Naso a squalo, lunotto avvolgente e luci posteriori di stampo minimale: la Ferrari Roma, ispirata all’eleganza dell’epoca della Dolce Vita, sfoggia proporzioni perfette e forme armoniche ed essenziali ripulite da ogni elemento superfluo. La vocazione puramente sportiva del Cavallino Rampante viene esaltata dal motore V8 turbo e dal cambio a 8 marce
Ferrari Approved guarantees the peace of mind, enabling you to enjoy the greatest possible driving thrills.
Only after passing more than 201 technical inspections and checks can a Ferrari be called Approved, all of which established by Ferrari and carried out by specifically trained specialist technicians.
The identity, mileage and history of each Ferrari Approved are checked to ensure that all required maintenance has been carried out and arrange for any assistance that may be necessary.
Each Ferrari Approved comes with a warranty that covers many spare parts and repairs and offers Roadside Assistance for up to 24 months in Europe, Middle East & Africa and 12 months in the rest of the world.